Monday, September 28, 2009

Life! Interrupted

This morning there was an article on how to conserve battery life for the innumerable, increasingly complex devices that are being increasingly used - don't run processes like bluetooth, wireless, etc. when not required, don't keep USB devices plugged in when not required, hibernate rather than frequent shut-down/start-up, etc.

For big swathes of day, had left my mobile at home yesterday while going out.. and felt so free... Maybe these tools also draw our psychic energy... Leaving them behind allows us to be undistracted in what we are doing..

Are there other things that we carry on our bodies, in our minds that we have to discard - keep away, so that we can be free and light? This is for our introspection...

The weather this morning was nice, cool crisp and fresh.. Had gone out for a short walk for buying some lemons.. sans the mobile in my pocket of course.. enjoyed the whole experience.. i wonder whether this is the happiness that Sankara describes as " Kaupeenavanthah Khalu bhaghyavanthah".


Jaga said...

Good one Suresh!
As they say "it is all in the mind". Reducing the physical clutter could be an aid in the process (necessary but not sufficient condition). For the kaupinavanta could spend all his time worrying what if he loses it!

Suresh said...

@Jaga - yes you are right.. we should guard against only looking at the koupina..

btw i read the full text (and meaning) of the kaupina panchakam at the link